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A Texas Family Reunion Page 12
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Page 12
“Yeah, that would be perfect. She won’t notice if we disappear for a few minutes….”
“Great. I’ll see you Sunday, David. And if anything else comes up that I can do, just let me know.”
“Thanks, Jim.”
“My pleasure.”
“WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?” Carrie asked.
“That was my baby brother, wanting advice.”
Carrie stared at him, waiting for an explanation.
“He didn’t tell me the topic for discussion, but I think I can figure it out.” He grinned.
“Well, are you going to tell me, or shall I start guessing?”
“It’s a beautiful woman, about five-eight, dark-auburn hair, who works for Will.”
“Alex? He wants to talk to you about Alex?”
“Good thing she’s out of the office, honey, or the secret would be out.”
“Sorry, but I’m surprised. I don’t see that he’s got any reason to complain. After all, she’s given him a place to stay and is taking care of him. What more can he… Oh.”
“Yeah. I think he’s just realized what a wonderful woman Alex is. But how do you go from fond cousin to lover?”
“Yes, that is a problem. Do you have any answers for him?”
“Maybe. I hope I can come up with some by Sunday.”
Will came out of his office. “Where’s Alex?”
“Out taking those pictures. She wanted to do them herself.” Jim smiled, understanding Alex’s possessiveness about her case.
Will smiled back. “Sounds like Carrie when you first arrived, doesn’t it?”
Jim’s grin widened, while Carrie’s cheeks flushed.
“Maybe for different reasons,” Jim agreed.
“Yeah. She’s a nice young woman, as well as smart and beautiful. Maybe I should ask Viv to think about finding a young man for her.”
Before Jim could answer, Carrie asked, “Wouldn’t Vanessa come first on that list?”
Will looked surprised. “Vanessa? Do you think she’s interested in marriage now, before she finishes her degree?”
Jim spoke up. “I think Vivian can concentrate on Vanessa. Alex is already taken, I believe.”
“I thought from our initial interview she was dating someone, but I wasn’t sure it was serious. And lately, she’s always with David.”
“No wonder he’s a private investigator,” Carrie said with a chuckle.
“Why do you say that?” Will asked.
Jim said, “David just called, wanting to talk privately with me, but he wouldn’t say what about. Only that it had to be when Alex wasn’t around.”
“Ah, I see.”
“It won’t be an easy transition,” Jim pointed out.
“No, but it’ll be fun to watch,” Will said.
Just then, the door opened and Alex entered, a triumphant look on her face. “I got the pictures I needed. I left the film at the camera store Carrie said we use.”
“Good for you, Alex,” Will said.
“Do you want to give me another case? I can start on it while I’m waiting for the pictures to be processed.”
“I love an eager beaver, honey, but there’s only an hour or two until it’s time to go home. Why don’t you close shop today and go make sure David is doing okay? We’ll start with new stuff on Monday.”
“But I have to wait and pick up the pictures in an hour,” Alex explained.
Jim spoke up. “I can pick them up. It’s on our way home, and I’ll promise not to open them, if that’s what you want.”
“I’d rather you look at them and tell me whether I’ve gotten enough evidence or not. After all, this is my first case. I may have screwed up.”
“Okay, it’s a deal. Carrie has your number. I’ll look at them and give you a call. So you should go on home.”
“Okay. But since David’s probably asleep, I’ll stop at a store and buy him some casual clothes. All he has are the suits that were at the cleaners.”
“Good plan, Alex,” said Will. “Let us know if you need any help.”
Alex opened her mouth, then closed it again.
“What?” Will asked.
“I shouldn’t ask, but I’d love if Carrie could come help me shop. Not for a long time, but she’s so good at finding things, and we agree in taste.”
“If Carrie doesn’t mind, I’m okay with it,” Will said.
“I’d love to,” Carrie said. “Do you mind, Jim?”
“Nope, fine with me. You’ll drop Carrie off at our place, Alex?”
“Yes. We can shop at North Park. It’s so close.”
Will grinned. “I think we should schedule shopping expeditions more often. It seems good for morale.”
As she shut down her computer and grabbed her purse, Carrie said, “We’ll remember that!”
After they left, Will said, “I’m glad Carrie and Alex are compatible.”
“Yeah, especially if she’s going to be my sister-in-law.”
“Do you think it will happen?”
“Time will tell.”
DAVID FELT MUCH BETTER about everything after talking to Jim. So much so that he closed his eyes and slept the entire afternoon. He only awakened when he heard the garage door closing.
“Alex?” he called.
“Yeah, it’s me,” she called back.
He heard a lot of rustling, but Alex had yet to appear. “Where are you?” he called.
“I’ll be right there,” she promised.
In a minute she was in his doorway. “Did you have a good day?”
“I guess I slept. The garage door closing woke me up.”
“I’m glad you got some rest. Do you want to get up for a while or stay in bed?”
“I want to get up.”
“Oh, good. I have some things to show you.”
“Um, I have to excuse myself first.”
“Oh, of course. I’ll be in the kitchen.”
When he came in a few minutes later, he found a pile of things on the kitchen table. “This is dinner?”
“No, of course not, but I thought you needed some casual clothes to wear. I may not’ve chosen what you like, but you need to try them on and tell me what to take back.”
“All this? You’d better tell me what I owe you.”
“First try them on. The tennis shoes are like the ones you used to wear around, I think.”
“Yeah. You’ve got a good memory.”
He went through the pile. There were a couple of pairs of jeans that were the right size, along with shirts. He discovered a warm-up suit that would be easy to wear, some T-shirts that would go with the warm-up suit and the jeans. There was also a great leather jacket.
“This must’ve cost a bundle!” he exclaimed.
“Maybe, but you can afford it, and Carrie and I thought it would look very good on you. And it will last forever.”
“Okay, I guess I’ve acquired a wardrobe.”
“Good. There’s nothing I need to take back?”
“No, I’m pleased.”
“Okay. Here’s a bag of underwear and socks, too.”
“Thanks so much, honey, and let me know what I owe you.”
Alex stood. “I’m going to go start a load of clothes.”
She started gathering the new clothes in her arms to put in the washing machine.
“You’re going to wash all of that? They’re brand-new.”
“I know, but it’s better to wash it and get rid of all the chemicals. Especially the jeans. They’re very stiff right now.”
“I’m causing you a lot of work,” he said.
“I’ll let you help me fold them when they’re done.”
“That’s a deal.”
“Now, why don’t you go back to bed for a while and I’ll fix dinner.”
“Can’t I help?”
“I’m afraid you’ll get worn-out before dinner. You haven’t been up for a few days and you’ll have to build your strength.”
“Yeah, but—”
The p
hone interrupted them.
Alex answered it. “Hi, Jim!”
David stiffened. Was Jim calling to have a discussion with him now? He couldn’t talk about it with Alex listening!
“Do you really think so?” Alex said. “Oh, that’s great. Thank you so much. And thank Carrie again for helping me shop. She was terrific!”
David waited. But apparently Jim didn’t ask to speak to him. Alex said goodbye and hung up the phone.
“He didn’t want to talk to me?” David asked.
Alex looked at him, puzzled. “No, he asked about you when I got to work. Should he have asked to speak to you?”
“No! No, I was just surprised.”
“I’m sure he’s concerned about you. After all, Will gave me the rest of the day off at three-thirty.”
“Why didn’t you come home then?”
She looked down at the load of clothes in her arms. “How do you think this happened, Mr. Buford?”
“Oh, no, sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he apologized.
“Besides, if I’d come home early, you wouldn’t have had such a nice long nap.”
“Yeah, of course.”
She left the room to start the laundry. All he could think about was an afternoon nap with Alex in his arms. That would be worth a lot more than clothes.
Something he bet Alex had never thought of.
Chapter Twelve
Alex hurried to the laundry room, grateful to get away from David. She’d suddenly realized how much she’d like to cuddle up with David in bed and watch television…or something. She’d be horribly embarrassed if David realized what she was thinking.
She started the washing machine before she drew a deep breath and relaxed. David couldn’t know what she was thinking. It was time to start dinner. She could keep busy, and that was the best plan. Later, after she went to bed, she’d have time to think.
Her last stop on the way home had been the grocery store. She’d remembered what David had said about the meat loaf at the hospital. So she’d purchased some good steaks. She took out her indoor grill and seasoned the steaks before she started cooking them. As soon as the meat hit the grill, she heard David stir.
He came into the kitchen, sniffing the air. “Is that steak I smell?”
“Yes, it is. Interested?”
“I’m beginning to think you’re a tease, young lady. You know I love steak.”
“I hope you feel that way about vegetables, too,” she said innocently.
“I love baked potatoes,” he said hopefully.
“I thought asparagus spears would be your favorite,” she said in a disappointed fashion.
“Uh, sure, that’ll be fine.”
The microwave beeped and she opened the door. “Oh, I must’ve put in potatoes by mistake. I guess we might as well eat them.”
“Definitely a tease.”
“Why don’t you cut them open and put some butter inside. I’ve made a salad, too. You can put dressing on it.”
“Yes, ma’am. What are you going to do?”
“As soon as I turn the steaks, I’m going to go change to jeans and a T-shirt, so I can be comfortable.”
He watched her turn the steaks before she ran to her bedroom. He finished the chores she’d assigned him. Then he supervised the steaks. When he thought they were done, he took them off the grill just as Alex came through the door.
“Sorry, it took longer than I thought,” she said.
“Must have, since you don’t have on any shoes,” he said with a grin.
She looked down at her feet and chuckled. “I like running around in stocking feet.”
“Me, too. Ready to eat?”
“Yes, I’m starving. Oh! I forgot to set the table.” She opened the cabinet and took down dinner plates and opened the drawer to get silverware. Soon they were eating dinner together.
“I had no idea you were such a good cook, Alex.”
“My mother taught me. She was determined I’d be a good housewife. I’ve sorely disappointed her.”
“You can still be a good housewife, along with being a private investigator. Look at Carrie. Jim’s a lucky man.”
“She’s a great person, but then, so is Jim.”
“Are they having a boy or a girl?”
“I don’t think they know yet. But I doubt that it matters, as long as the baby is healthy.”
“I think Will will let Carrie take the baby to work for a while. None of us will mind. She can care for it there and still get work done.”
“That’s one of the good things about working for a small company.”
“I’ve heard of some places that let employees take their dogs to work.”
David sighed. “I’d like to have a dog. We never could as kids because Mom wouldn’t allow it. But if I buy a house, I may get a dog.”
“What kind?” Alex asked, excitement in her voice.
“I’d like a Labrador retriever, I think. A big dog. But I’ll need a good yard because they need a lot of room.”
“If I pay half for him, can I be half owner?”
“Have you thought about where you want to look for a house?”
“Originally I’d thought definitely Plano. But now that I’ve reunited with my family, I may consider Richardson, a little closer in.”
“Are you going to tell your mom about the Barlows?”
“Yeah, I am. I’m just not sure when. I guess when I’m healed. Everything seems so much harder with my wound.”
“Is it hurting you tonight?”
“It starts hurting the longer I’m up.”
“Then it’s time for you to lie down again.” Alex got up from the table and took the dishes to the sink. When she turned and saw David trying to help clear the table, she stopped him.
“You need to go lie down. Now. I know you’re willing to help, but not tonight. And since we didn’t have dessert, I’ll bring in a plate of cookies in a few minutes. Find something good to watch on television, and I’ll watch it with you. That is, if you don’t mind me joining you.”
“Thanks, honey,” David said, leaning over and kissing her cheek. “I’d love to have you join me.” Then he turned and went into his bedroom.
Alex let out her breath. She cleaned the kitchen quickly and then took down a plate and filled it with the cookies she’d made. She made a cup of decaf coffee for David and took it and the cookies into his bedroom.
“Hey, the Dallas Mavericks are playing. It just started. You like them, don’t you?”
“Sure, I like basketball.” After he’d scooted over in the bed, she handed him his coffee and put down the plate of cookies. Then she turned away.
“Where are you going?” David demanded.
“I’m going to get a soda. I don’t like coffee. I’ll be right back.”
They spent the rest of the evening watching the basketball game, won by the Mavericks. When the game ended, Alex realized David had fallen asleep. He’d long ago finished his coffee. She gathered the plate of what cookies were left and her glass and took them to the kitchen.
Returning to the bedroom, she pulled the covers up over David’s shoulders and tiptoed out, refusing to give in to the temptation to kiss him good-night. She turned off the light and went to her bedroom, glad the next day was Saturday.
WHEN DAVID AWOKE the next morning, he couldn’t believe he’d slept so late. According to his watch, it was after eleven. He slowly pushed himself up, trying to clear his head. “Alex?”
He heard no response. Getting up, he stumbled into the bathroom. When he came out, he headed for the kitchen to investigate Alex’s disappearance.
He found a note on the cabinet by the coffeepot. “David, the coffee’s made and you’ll find cinnamon buns in the refrigerator. Just put them in the microwave for two minutes. I’ll be home around eleven.”
He checked his watch again. Eleven-fifteen. Okay, so she was a little late. He got down a cup and poured himself some coffe
e. After taking a sip, he put his cup on the table and opened the refrigerator door and took out two cinnamon rolls. He put them on a saucer and zapped them in the microwave. Soon he was eating breakfast.
A few minutes later he heard the garage go up. It was amazing how much his attitude improved with Alex’s return. He poured himself another cup of coffee and sat down to await her arrival.
Alex came upstairs and entered the kitchen. “Hi, David. How are you doing?”
“Fine.” He smiled at her.
“When did you get up?”
“A while ago,” he said, deliberately not saying when.
She looked at his plate. Then she picked it up to take to the sink. “You just got up. The plate’s still warm.”
“I forgot I was facing a private investigator. Excuse me!”
“Did you sleep all right?”
“Yeah, honey, I slept like a rock. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Oh, good. I went to the gym and worked out, but I worried about you the entire time.”
“I’m a big boy.”
“Who’s been shot. What do you want to do today?”
“I think Pete and I need to talk and figure out what we need to do.”
“The phone’s right behind you. Go ahead. I’m going to go take a shower.”
“Just don’t forget that you promised to go to Vivian’s Sunday dinner tomorrow, so you’ll need to rest part of the day.”
“I just got out of bed,” he called after her as she left the room. But he knew she was right. He wanted to conserve his energy. It was important that he get back to the office on Monday.
“PETE? IT’S DAVID. How are you doing?”
“Fine,” Pete replied, but David thought he sounded a little strange.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“Uh, kind of,” Pete said.
“Hi, David!” he heard a female voice call.
“You have company, Pete?”
Pete sighed. “Just your sister.”
“That was Susan? What’s she doing there?”
“Uh, David….” Pete began.
“Never mind what I’m doing here,” Susan replied, obviously having taken the phone from Pete. “I’m all grown-up and can handle my social life by myself.”