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A Texas Family Reunion Page 5

  “He is? Why?”

  “Do you remember his last name?”

  “Of course I do. It’s Dansky.”

  “Well, some people are selective about who they call friend.”

  “As they should be,” Alex said, a little puzzled.

  “Pete fell for a woman from a wealthy family, though he didn’t realize they were wealthy at the time. Her parents were appalled that she would even date a person with that kind of last name.”

  “You’re kidding!” Alex exclaimed.

  Pete looked up. “What? Did we miss something?”

  “No, David was telling me something about my mother and my aunt,” Alex said quickly. Then she muttered, “About my aunt at least.”

  “So, you understand,” David said. Pete and Susan were back in their own world.

  “Yes. That hadn’t occurred to me when I met Pete. What does your mother think about him being a good friend?”

  “She hasn’t said, and I haven’t asked her.” David looked up as their waiter arrived at the table.

  “Are you finished, ma’am, sir?”

  “Yes, we’re all finished,” David said, gesturing to Pete and Susan, too.

  “But they haven’t—”

  “You can take their plates, too,” David said.

  “I can put their food in takeaway boxes if—”

  “No, thanks, but you can bring us two Chocolate Thunders from Down Under, though.”

  “Yes, sir, right away.” The waiter took Pete’s and Susan’s plates from the table. They didn’t object.

  Five minutes later, just before the dessert was served, Susan tried to cut another piece of steak and realized her plate was gone. “What happened to our food?” she asked.

  David grinned. “We got tired of waiting and ordered dessert. We told the waiter to take your plates away.”

  “Oh. Were we eating too slowly?” she asked.

  Pete immediately apologized. “I’m sorry, Susan and I were…we were talking about work.”

  “It’s nice that you have something in common,” David said blandly.

  Alex almost choked, and David helpfully pounded her back.

  “Th-thank you, David!” she gasped. “Sorry, my drink went down the wrong way.”

  At that moment the two desserts arrived with four spoons.

  “We thought two would be enough. These are meant to be shared.” David picked up his spoon and pulled one of the desserts between him and Alex, leaving the other one to Pete and Susan.

  “Perfect,” Pete said as he picked up a spoon and handed it to Susan. “I love these,” he added, looking into her eyes.

  “Oh…I do, too.”

  David heard Alex’s swiftly indrawn breath between those two comments. He squeezed her hand and offered her a bite of ice-cream-and-brownie out of his spoon.

  She took the bite. “Thank you. Mmm, it’s good.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, perfect ending to a perfect night.”

  “So my behavior didn’t disappoint you?” Alex asked, raising one eyebrow.

  “No, Alex, it didn’t. I…and Susan, owe you one. Feel free to collect at any time.” When she said nothing, he added, “I’ll even explain to the cop why you went out with me.”

  He expected her to reject his offer, but with a laugh, she said, “Not necessary.”

  Her answer caught his attention. But he didn’t ask her to explain. Not then. He would wait until he took her home.

  ALEX KNEW she’d made a mistake.

  She hadn’t wanted to tell David about her breakup. Mainly because she felt like a fool, believing Neil had actually loved her. All he’d loved was himself.

  Throughout the years, whenever she’d done something or made a decision to do something, she’d always checked out his reaction. She didn’t want to see his reaction this time, though she was proud she’d chosen to end her relationship with Neil.

  She was afraid he’d feel pity, and she didn’t want his pity.

  Continuing to eat the dessert long after she’d had enough, she avoided conversation. She wished she could catch a ride with Pete when it came time to leave. But she knew Susan would never forgive her if she tried such a thing.

  David insisted on paying the bill, telling Pete it was a family celebration. Then he said, “But you could do me a favor.”

  “Sure, pal, anything.”

  “Well, it’s kind of late, and I wondered if you could run Susan home. That way, we could all get home sooner.”

  Susan made a perfunctory protest, but Pete’s eager willingness reassured her.

  The other two sped out of the restaurant. David and Alex left in a more leisurely style.

  “He certainly took the bait, didn’t he?” Alex said.

  Again David heard something in her voice. “You sound envious. That can’t be true.”

  “Of course not,” she said, warning herself to be more careful. “But I don’t think we’ll need to play this game again.”

  “Why do you say that?” David asked as he followed her out of the restaurant.

  “Because Pete didn’t seem the least resistant to Susan’s charms. Unless you want to start a matchmaking firm, I’d guess we’re out of the business.” Alex tried to look happy.

  “Yeah,” David said. She hoped he really agreed.

  They rode in silence to her condo. When he stopped the car, Alex said, “Thanks for the ride,” and tried to open her car door.

  But David had locked the door.

  “The door won’t open!” Alex said.

  “I know,” David said. “I want to know what’s going on.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Have you and Neil broken up?”

  Alex stared at him. “That’s the first time you’ve ever used his name.”

  David shrugged.

  “Why would you do that?” she asked.

  “I think I feel a little sorry for him.”

  Alex glared at him. “No need.”

  “Did you break up with him?”

  “That’s none of your business!” She tried the door again, in frustration.

  “Alex, I’m your cousin. I just want to know you’re okay.”

  “I’m okay,” she snapped. “I promise I’ll let you know if I’m not.”

  “I thought you two were…serious.”

  “Only if I agreed to always be available to him, and, oh, by the way, cook dinner for him and share my income from the company. And, best of all, do everything he said.”

  “So you got rid of him? Because if you didn’t, I’m going to.”

  Alex allowed a small smile at his answer. “No, it’s not necessary for you to go to such extremes. I took care of him.”

  “Good. Then you won’t mind helping me out again.”

  Chapter Five

  “What? Why?” Alex demanded.

  “I’m talking about Monday night.” He gazed levelly at her, waiting for her to remember.

  “Your family reunion? What do you want me to do about that?”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “I want you to go with me.”

  When she would’ve answered, and he could tell the answer would be no, he held up a hand. “Wait, let me explain.”

  “Okay, I’m waiting.”

  “I’m embarrassed by how I acted when I met Jim and Carrie. It was wrong, but I’d just spent half the day with Mom. I panicked at the thought of having more family. I can barely take care of what I’ve got now.”

  “What did your mother want you to do?”

  “She wanted me to leave the office and go work on the plumbing at Janet’s home—after all, she said, I fixed her plumbing one day. When I asked her what was wrong with their plumbing, she said they wanted a bigger master bathroom. Nothing was wrong—they just wanted more. I told her I couldn’t be spared and they could afford to hire a plumber.”

  “I’m sure she didn’t understand.”

  “Of course not. It turns out that Jerry wouldn’t spend the money and Jan
et was complaining about how hard she has it in her five-thousand-square-foot home.”

  “And your mom thought you were being selfish?” Alex guessed.

  “Yeah. Even when I told her we were preparing a bid for a government project, which is why I needed Susan.”

  “You should’ve mentioned the magic words—decreased earnings.”

  “Couldn’t she figure that out on her own?”

  “Apparently not.” Alex smiled at him. “Your mother has always thought the world revolved around her.”

  “She’s not that bad.”

  “Yes, she is, and because of her, you insulted Jim.”

  “I didn’t—at least, he didn’t hold it against me, and I haven’t even explained why.” He drew a deep breath. “But that’s why I need you to go with me. Besides, you already know Jim and Carrie and Will.”

  “So do you.”

  “Yeah, but they like you.”

  “David, you’re being silly…but I’ll go with you. Does that make you feel better?”

  “Yeah. A lot better.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. Then he unlocked her door.

  “CARRIE, WHAT TIME is David supposed to be at Will and Vivian’s this evening?” Alex asked after she’d started to work Monday morning.

  “Didn’t Jim tell him? I’m sure we’re having dinner at seven, which means the evening will begin about six or six-thirty so we can all visit together. Wait a minute and I’ll call Vivian.”

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

  Carrie waved a dismissive hand toward Alex as she picked up the phone. A moment later she hung up. “Yes, Vivian said any time between six and six-thirty will be fine.”

  “Um, I should’ve told you before you called Vivian. David asked me to come with him. I hope that’ll be all right.”

  “Of course it will be. Betty loves to have big parties.”

  “Who’s Betty?”

  “Oh, she’s Vivian’s housekeeper. She and her husband, Peter, have been with Vivian since the beginning of her first marriage. They’re part of the family.”

  “They sound wonderful. You know that TV show with all the kids and a housekeeper that took care of them? I so wanted her in my family,” Alex said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, me, too. Only, with me, there was only me and my parents. Then my dad died and there was just me and my mom.”

  “Like me. There’s just me and my mom, too.”

  Carrie looked stricken as Jim came into the office. He immediately moved to his wife’s side. “What’s wrong, hon?”

  “Nothing,” Carrie said at once. “I was being silly.”

  “What did I say to upset you, Carrie?” Alex asked anxiously.

  “I was thinking about my mom’s death and how alone I felt then. If it hadn’t been for Will….”

  “I didn’t know your mother died!” Alex exclaimed. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Carrie!”

  Carrie pushed away from Jim’s embrace, rubbing her forehead. “You didn’t say anything wrong, Alex. I’m emotional right now. My hormones….”

  “Your hormones are just fine, sweetheart,” Jim assured her. “And now you have me and all the rest of the family. You’re not alone and our child won’t be alone, remember?”

  Carrie smiled. “Yes, I remember.” She reached up and kissed him briefly. “Now I need to get back to work.”

  “It’s almost lunchtime,” Jim announced. “How about I take two lovely ladies to lunch? What do you say?”

  “Are you sure we can afford the time?” Carrie asked.

  “I’m sure,” Jim said, pulling her from her chair.

  As they all stood, Will came through the door. “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “I’m taking the ladies to lunch. Want to come?”

  “You bet. I wouldn’t turn down that invitation.”

  Alex didn’t know if Will had read Jim’s mind, or there had been something in his voice, but she was glad Will confirmed their decision. She was sure it would be good for Carrie.

  When they reached the restaurant, a casual place with TVs mounted in the corners, they all ordered, then sat waiting for their food.

  “Will, I thought I should tell you that David asked me to come with him tonight. Is that okay?” Alex said.

  “Of course it is. Actually, David called Vivian this morning to ask that same question. I’m delighted you’re coming—you can get to know the family. Anyone who works for me becomes part of the family.”

  “That sounds lovely. And David will think so, too. He just…the other day, when he came to the office to check on me, he’d spent half the day with his mother, arguing, and he wasn’t sure more family would be a good thing. That’s why he was so…reluctant to admit he was Jim’s brother.” She went on to explain the details.

  “Poor David,” Jim said. “Maybe my not being adopted wasn’t such a bad thing.”

  Carrie covered her husband’s hand with hers. “Maybe not, but you were strong.”

  “I promise David is, too,” said Alex. “But sometimes I think they adopted David to have someone else to take care of her. Her husband did everything for her.”

  “I know that kind of woman,” Will said. “Thank goodness Viv isn’t that way, in spite of her first husband, Herbert, trying to make her dependent on him.”

  “He couldn’t convince Vanessa, either,” Jim said with a grin.

  “That’s the truth!” Will agreed.

  “But…isn’t dependency on someone a good thing?” Alex asked, confused.

  Carrie chuckled. “Of course it is, but when you try to force someone’s dependence, it isn’t. And if you’re a parent with a rebellious son or daughter, you’re in big trouble. A daughter like Vanessa, for instance—well, that girl doesn’t follow the easiest road at times.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to meet her,” Alex said with a laugh.

  “Just think of Jim in a wig,” Will said drolly.

  “I think all my sisters are pretty independent,” Jim added.

  “That’s true,” Will said.

  Just then the waiter brought their food. As they started eating, the talk turned to work. Alex had a few questions and found them easy to ask in such a relaxed setting.

  They were getting ready to leave when a news brief came on the television. “This just in. Shots were fired at a Plano businessman this afternoon. While no one was injured, the police are trying to find the shooter.”

  Alex gave a low scream as she recognized the man talking to police. “That’s David!”

  “Damn, she’s right!” Jim agreed. “I’m heading out there as soon as you can get me to my car, Will,” Jim said.

  “Should I go, too?” Alex asked.

  “I think I can handle it, Alex, since we know David’s okay. If he were hurt, I’d agree you should go.”

  When they reached the office five minutes later, Jim, after a hurried kiss for Carrie, said, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Then hopped out and got in his own car, peeling out of the parking lot before Will had managed to park his car.

  “I hope he doesn’t get a ticket before he gets to Plano,” Will said.

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine, Will,” Carrie said. “But he’s just found David. He’s not going to lose him now.”

  Alex, impressed that Jim felt that way in spite of David’s rude behavior, knew the right person was on his way to David’s side.

  WHEN JIM REACHED David’s building, he took the elevator up to the second floor where his office was located. Standing by the receptionist’s desk was a uniformed policeman. Since his main occupation seemed to be flirting with the young woman, Jim started around him for David’s door.

  The man quickly stepped in his way and said, “Excuse me, sir, but do you have an appointment with Mr. Buford?”

  “No, but I think he’ll see me,” Jim said.

  “If you’ll give his secretary your name, she’ll ask.”

  “Of course. It’s Jim Barlow.”

  The woman clicked on the intercom. “Mr. Bufor
d, a Mr. Jim Barlow is here to see you.”

  “Send him in,” came the voice through the intercom.

  The policeman stepped back, and Jim opened the door to David’s office. He immediately focused on David, who had several people in the office. Jim recognized Pete and shook his hand. He figured the other two men were detectives.

  “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but my best guess is teenagers joyriding,” David said.

  “Not with thirty-eights,” one of the detectives muttered.

  “Thirty-eights?” Jim asked. “That sounds unusual, David.”

  “And who are you, sir?”

  Before Jim could answer, David said, “This is my brother, Jim Barlow.”

  Pete’s head snapped up and he stared at Jim. Jim looked at David with approval.

  “Why don’t you have the same last name?” the detective asked.

  “We were orphaned as children when our parents died. I was young enough to be adopted, but Jim wasn’t. We’ve only recently found each other.”

  “And how did you find out about the shooting, sir?”

  “We were having lunch at a place with televisions. Actually it was Alex who realized they were talking about you,” Jim told David.

  “Is she okay?” David asked. “I didn’t think they would give my name on the news.”

  “They didn’t, but they showed you talking to the police.”

  He sighed. “Well, at least Mom doesn’t watch the noon news.”

  “And you can’t think of anyone who might’ve had reason to shoot you?” the policeman asked again.

  “Did you tell them about your competitor?” Jim asked.

  “It couldn’t have anything to do with that, Jim,” David protested.

  The police asked for details. Jim provided them, mentioning the spying that had gone on.

  “Mr. Buford, did you press charges against the spy?”

  “No, I threatened to if she made me fire her, but she quit, instead.”

  After the police finally left, Jim had a few more questions for his brother. “How much damage did they do?”

  “They shot one of my tires and my back window completely out.”

  Jim frowned. “How far away were they?”

  “Just a few yards.”

  “Either they’re amateurs or they just wanted to scare you.”