A Texas Family Reunion Read online

Page 9

  Pete pushed up on his elbows to see for himself. “Are you sure he’s okay?”

  Alex took David’s hand and squeezed it. “David? Can you wake up? Pete wants to know you’re all right.”

  It took a minute, but David finally opened his eyes. Alex kissed his cheek. “Good job, David. Pete was worried about you.”

  “Where’s Pete?” he immediately asked.

  “Over here,” Susan said. “How are you, David? I’m glad you’re all right.”

  “Thanks, Susan. What are you doing here?”


  Alex leaned over to whisper, “She came for Pete.”


  “David,” Susan began, “Jim said he was your brother.”

  “Yeah, is he here?” David asked, glancing around the room.

  “No, but he was,” Alex said. “He managed to help the police solve the crime. Apparently, the owner of Carey & Company went off the deep end because he was going bankrupt—unless he got the bid you were both going for.”

  “Damn,” David said.

  “Yes, and Jim said since you were safe, he’d go on home, because Carrie was waiting for him. But he said he’d see you tomorrow at lunch.”

  “Good,” David said, relaxing against his pillow.

  “Your dinner should be coming soon. Are you hungry?” Alex asked.

  “Not very. I’m not sure I can manage to eat.”

  “I’m going to feed you, David. That’s what I stayed for,” she assured him with a smile.

  Pete said, “I’m hungry. Are you going to feed me, Susan?”

  “If you don’t mind,” Susan said.

  Alex wanted to tell Pete he’d have another hit in the head if he disappointed Susan. She’d suffered all day long.

  Fortunately, Pete was in no danger. “I’d love that.”

  With perfect timing, the door opened and a woman brought in a tray to Pete. Then she returned with a tray for David.

  “Are you going to feed ’em?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, we will,” Alex said.

  She uncovered the plate and found a large serving of meat loaf, some mashed potatoes and carrots. “I think they cooked your favorites, David,” she teased.

  “What is it?”

  “Meat loaf.”

  “Woulda been better if it was a steak.”

  “You should stick with the meat loaf until you’re well.”

  “When do I get to go home?” David demanded.

  “Yeah,” Pete agreed. “I feel well enough to go home tonight.”

  “Neither of you is going home tonight. Pete might get out tomorrow sometime. I’m not sure about you, David, but you’ll stay until they say you’re ready, and not a minute before!” Alex insisted.

  “Who died and made you king?” David demanded.

  “Jim left me in charge. You can argue with him.”

  “Aw, that’s not fair,” David protested.

  “Take a bite,” Alex ordered.

  Susan began feeding Pete, so conversation faded.

  Alex noticed David tiring as they’d finished about half of his meal. “David, have you had enough to eat?”

  “Yeah. Would you ring for the nurse?”

  “What is it? Can’t I help you?”

  “No, you can’t. I need to go to the bathroom!”

  “But I could help you to the door and—”

  “No! I need to preserve my dignity!”

  Without another word, Alex leaned forward and rang for the nurse.

  When the nurse reached the room, she asked David what he needed.

  David’s cheeks turned red. “Don’t you have any male nurses?”

  The nurse rolled her eyes. “Not tonight. It’s me or no one.”

  “I need to go to the bathroom. Is it okay if I go by myself?”

  “I’d better help you the first time out of the bed. You can go in by yourself. I’ll just make sure you’re keeping your balance.”

  “Okay, thank you.” He pushed back the cover as Alex pushed away the bed table that held his food. Then he swung his feet to the floor. The nurse moved to his side and he started walking to the bathroom.

  “You better use your good hand to hold your gown closed in the back,” the nurse mentioned casually, and David almost lost his balance to take care of that little problem.

  Once he was inside the bathroom, the nurse said, “He’s a modest fellow, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, he is,” Alex agreed.

  “Most guys don’t worry much about their wives seeing—”

  “She’s not my wife!” David exclaimed as he opened the door.

  “Sorry, I just assumed. I mean, both these women seem so dedicated, staying with you ever since you came in, I just assumed… She’s not your wife, either?” she asked Pete.

  “No, ma’am, I’m not that lucky.”

  “Well, as soon as I get him in bed,” the nurse said, “you want a turn?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Once Pete was also back in bed, Alex made sure David got his pain medicine, checked to see if water was close by for both men, and finally said good-night. David looked so desolate she moved to the head of his bed and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be here in the morning about the time you wake up. Go right to sleep so you can wake up early.”

  She turned to go, but David grabbed her hand. “I don’t think I said thanks.”

  Her smile warmed. “Not necessary. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Susan told Pete goodbye, and both women walked out together.

  “Oh! I forgot,” said Susan. “I don’t have my car here.”

  “I’ll take you back to the company office so you can get your car. But I thought I’d make a run to the store before it closes and pick up some pajamas for David to preserve his modesty.”

  “What a good idea. I’ll get Pete some, too. Um, is that acceptable?”

  “I think so. And maybe we can find something to entertain them with tomorrow.”

  Chapter Nine

  Alex stayed up late to wash and dry the things she’d bought for David. She’d offered to take care of Pete’s things, too, but Susan immediately said she’d wash his.

  “All right. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Now, at six-fifteen the next morning, she wished she hadn’t promised to be there so early. The stressful events of yesterday had taken a lot out of her.

  Finally Alex pushed off the covers and headed for the shower. Then she dressed for work and grabbed a quick breakfast. After gathering up David’s new pajamas, she drove to the hospital.

  The halls of the hospital were quiet, which made her nervous. She hurried to the room assigned to the two men and rapped on the door. She thought she heard someone say come in, and she opened the door. David was still sleeping, but Pete waved to her.

  “Hi, Pete. How are you this morning?” she called softly. She reached his bedside and took his hand. “Did you have a good night?”

  “I must have, because I don’t remember anything.” His grin made her feel good.

  “How about David? How did he do?”

  “Okay, as far as I know.”

  “Good. Any sign of breakfast trays?”

  “The nurse told me seven-thirty.”

  Just as Alex was about to speak, Susan came into the room.

  She came to an immediate stop, staring at Pete and Alex. “Am I interrupting something?” she demanded.

  Pete turned bright red, but Alex just grinned at her cousin. “Don’t be silly, Suse. Pete and I were just talking. After all, David is still asleep and we’ve got a few minutes before the breakfast trays arrive.”

  “Well, I wanted to…to give these things to Pete.”

  Sometimes, it seemed to Alex that Susan was much younger than she was. Then she remembered that Susan had had to deal with her mother, June, and the “princess,” her sister, Janet. No wonder she wasn’t as sure of herself as she should’ve been.

  “Let me get out of your way, because I be
t Pete is eager to see what you’ve brought him.”

  Pete was staring at Susan. “You bought me something?”

  “Yes, I thought… I know you may go home today, but I got you something you might need.” She handed him the sack.

  “Pajamas?” Pete said in surprise. “I’ve never…I mean, these are nice.”

  “It’s so you don’t have to hold your gown together in the back when you get out of bed,” Alex explained with a smile.

  “What’s going on?” David asked crossly from behind Alex.

  She whirled around. “You’re awake!”

  “Of course I am. You were making a lot of noise.”

  “I thought you’d already be awake when I got here,” Alex said, raising her eyebrows.

  “I guess I am now.”

  “No sulking, David,” Alex said. “Pete’s been perfectly charming.”

  Susan frowned at her brother. “Really, David! It’s not Pete’s fault.”

  “You mean he can’t help being charming?” David said.

  Pete grinned at his best friend. “That’s right, pal. I’m charming!”

  “Yeah, right!” David shot back, but he was grinning.

  “I brought you something I thought you might need,” Alex said, handing David a sack.

  He didn’t say anything, but he opened the sack. “What is this?” he asked.

  “Pajamas, so you could get out of bed without—” she cleared her throat “—exposing yourself.”


  Though his thanks hadn’t held much enthusiasm, Alex smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”

  David glowered at her. Then he pushed back his covers. “I’ll change in the bathroom.”

  “I’m not sure you can by yourself,” Alex said.

  His head snapped up. “Are you volunteering?”

  “No, I was going to suggest you ask for help from the only other male with two good arms in the room.”

  “Oh. Uh, Pete, could you help me?”

  “Yeah, I think I’d better before you put your foot in your mouth again,” Pete said with his friendly grin.

  “I didn’t do that!” David protested.

  Pete closed the door behind them, so the women didn’t hear his response to his friend.

  “David’s a bit of a bear this morning,” Susan said.

  “I think he didn’t have a great night, Susan. He probably needs more painkiller.”

  “Yeah, I guess. It’s just that Pete’s so easygoing,” Susan said with a dreamy smile.

  The bathroom door opened and both men came out with the pajamas on, although David couldn’t easily put on the top because of his wound, so he wore his gown over his bottoms.

  “Just in time for breakfast,” Alex said, having heard the rattle of breakfast trays in the hall.

  As Alex helped David to eat his breakfast, she thought he relaxed somewhat. “Have you decided what your employees should be told? I thought about it last night, but it should’ve occurred to me yesterday afternoon.”

  “Damn, I should’ve thought of that!” David said, tensing.

  “Relax, David. You were too out of it to do anything about it yesterday. Everyone will understand.”

  “I can’t believe I didn’t think… I bet they didn’t finish the bid. Pete….”

  “It’s okay, David. After they release me, I’m sure we can get it finished today.”

  “You think you’ll get out today?” David asked.

  Alex heard the longing in his voice. “They said you’d probably get out tomorrow, David, which is pretty good when you consider what you went through.”


  The nurse came into the room. “Have you finished your breakfasts?”

  “No, not yet, but we’ll hurry,” Alex promised. Then she immediately fed David more eggs.

  “I don’t really want any more,” he said.

  “If you want out tomorrow, you need to eat what they feed you. It will help you get stronger.”

  He scowled, but accepted what she fed him.

  They had just finished breakfast when the nurse returned.

  “The doctor will be in to see both of you in just a minute. Let me take those trays out of the way.”

  Alex stood. “I guess I’d better go. Oh, David, do you want me to tell your mother?”

  “No. I’ll be out before she could do anything.”

  “All right. Jim will be here for lunch. And be sure you eat all your lunch,” she added sternly.

  “Yes, Mom. When will you be back?”

  “I’ll come back after work.”

  “Susan, you’d better get to the office, too,” David said.

  “But I want to stay here to be with…both of you. You may need help.”

  “That’s what they pay the nurses for. We need you at the office to make sure everyone knows we’re all right and to finish up the work on the bid. See Harry when you get there. Tell him he’s in charge until Pete gets there.”

  Alex leaned over and kissed David’s cheek. “If you don’t speak more kindly to your sister, she may disown you as a brother.”

  “Susan knows it’s just because we need her at work.”

  Susan frowned at him. “I may know it, but it doesn’t mean I like it. Bye, Pete.”

  She walked out of the room with Alex.

  DAVID’S SHOULDER HURT, but he was determined not to ask for pain medicine. When the doctor arrived, he went to Pete first. He checked his wound before looking at the notes the nurse had made.

  “Do I get out today, Doc?” Pete asked.

  “I’m afraid not, Mr. Dansky. You’re running a fever, and until it’s gone or we know the cause of it, we’re going to have to keep you here a little longer.”


  “Don’t sound so disappointed. It shouldn’t be more than another day.” He turned to David. “And you have your friend to keep you company. How are you feeling, Mr. Buford?”

  “Fine. In fact, I might feel good enough to leave.”

  “No, you don’t. I suspect you’re in pain. Why haven’t you asked for medicine?”

  “Because it makes me fuzzy-headed. I don’t like feeling that way.”

  “But it relaxes your muscles so your wound can heal better. How about I cut the amount by half? That will give you some relief without as much drugging.”


  When the doctor left the room, David asked his friend, “Do you think I can trust him to cut the dose?”

  “What are your choices, David? You have to get well as fast as you can.”

  David sighed. “I guess so. Are you feeling all right?”

  “I do feel a little warm.” Pete chuckled. “I thought it was just seeing Susan. But if that was true, you should be feeling warm, too. After all, Alex was here for you.”

  “She’s my cousin,” David muttered.

  “Yeah, I wondered about that when we went out for steaks. But I didn’t know then that you were adopted.”

  The nurse entered to give them the medicine the doctor had prescribed. A few minutes later they were both asleep.

  When Jim reached the hospital room, the staff had just awakened the patients and served lunch. “Anyone in here looking for company?” he asked as he entered.

  “Jim! It’s good to see you,” David said. “I think we owe you a lot.”

  “Just doing my job, brother,” Jim said with a smile.

  Pete held out his hand. “I’d like to thank you, Jim. I got the same service and I’m not your brother.”

  Jim shook his hand. “Hey, we’re just lucky those goons weren’t such good shots. Once they arrested them, it wasn’t too hard to have them cave and give the name of the man who hired them.”

  “But how did they find those guys so quickly?” David asked.

  Jim explained how they’d simply traced their license plate number, which he’d gotten. “Anyway,” he concluded, “glad it got wrapped up quickly. As soon as you get out of the hospital, you’ve got to work out whe
re you’ll be living, David. Is there anything I can do for you about that?”

  “I’ll just have to look around. I’m kind of thinking about getting a house. I like the idea of owning my own place.”

  “That’s a good idea. Carrie and I have been looking, too. After all, we’ll need more space for the baby.”

  “You and your wife are expecting?” Pete asked.

  “Yeah. It’ll be a big change, but one I’m looking forward to.”

  “Yeah,” both Pete and David chorused. Neither could keep the note of longing from their voices.

  “You’ve got time,” Jim said. “And last I looked, you had a couple of women really concerned with your health.”

  David immediately changed the subject to a question about the kind of house Jim and Carrie were looking for.

  Jim smiled as he answered his question, but he allowed the change of subject.

  LATE IN THE AFTERNOON, Carrie asked Alex, “Are you going to see David tonight?”

  “Yes, I’m going after work.” Alex had called him after lunch and talked for a few minutes, but she could tell he was sleepy.

  “I wanted to come see him this evening. Would that be all right?”

  “Of course, Carrie. But by yourself?”

  “No, I meant, Jim and me.”

  “He’d love for you to come. He didn’t want me to tell his mother. I think he knew she wouldn’t put herself out to come see him.”

  “That’s terrible,” Carrie said. “I think you should tell her. At least give her a chance to redeem herself.”

  “You know, I think you’re right. I’ll call her right now and offer to take her to see him.” Alex picked up the phone. When her mother answered the phone, she said hello to her but then asked to speak to Aunt June.

  “Yes, Alex?” Aunt June said.

  “Aunt June, David got hurt yesterday. He’s going to be fine, but he’s in the hospital. I wanted to offer to take you to see him this evening.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “He was shot.”

  “That’s ridiculous! That doesn’t happen.”

  Alex was trying hard to hold on to her patience. “My point in calling was to offer to take you to see him.”

  “I don’t see why I should go and see him if he’s going to get out soon. Just tell him to come see me when he gets out. I have several things I want him to do for me.”